
Market of blow molding

Blow molding is one of the fastest growing industries in the world . Blow molding can be used in the production of various sizes of containers , industrial irregular hollow products. The projected demand for the bottle will continue to grow , these thermoplastic products about 22% for food , 20 percent for beverages , 15 percent for home chemicals, 12% is used in cosmetics, 8 percent for health , 7% for industrial chemicals , 5% for cars , 1% for others.
Since mid-1999 onwards , sales of US processing machinery will increase at the rate of 5.8% , to reach $ 1.5 billion in 2003 . Injection molding machine sales accounted for 51 % of all machines . 2003 , blow molding machines will grow the fastest , sales will reach $ 505 million , up $ 440 million extruder , thermoforming machine to reach $ 455 million . At the same time the existing US 350 plastic machinery manufacturers , with sales of more than 5% from the current 50% of the population.