
Glass Product Production

Let us learn about the glass bottle production process.
Pre- production process
1,Factory orders given production requirements
2,According to the requirements to make molds
3,Test produced molds
4,Small batch production
5,Test whether the product is qualified
7,Mass production
After mass production , the main flow of the production process is
7.1,Raw materials ( glass sand )
7.2,Formulation by mixing the ingredients window
7.3,Furnaces ( added cullet calcination )
7.4,Cut glass , molded
7.5,Blowing ( blow into the bottle and pressure blowing)
7.6,Cold end of the molding , cooling the finished bottle
7.7,Spent grinding , sterilization
Blow bottle refers to the small diameter of the bottle to blow through the air flow control type . Blowing pressure refers to straight -type bottle of our large diameter molded in the form of pressure to push .
Sterilization is to achieve health standards , this process is to detect whether a glass factory the primary goal of health or pharmaceutical standards .